Vibrato is a rapid variation in pitch when singing, which then produces a strong tone. It is a good vocal technique that many artists have been able to develop over time. Vibrato takes effect when a person’s voice shifts quickly between two pitches. It is the speed that makes a great and natural vibrato, which some people do not realise. A natural and healthy vibrato happens when a singer’s throat is relaxed enough for the larynx, the voice box that forms an air passage to the lungs and holds the vocal cords, to move gently. A natural vibrato allows for a more consistent beat in sound and will sound effortless when holding a note.
Moderate tempo
Tremolo effect
Wobbling effect
1.Open the back of your throat.
If you are unsure as to how to do this, you can simply yawn. You want to widen the back of your throat as far as you can. Try as hard as you can not to strain your throat muscles.
It is important to stay as relaxed as you can. This will release all the tension in your body and will enable you to produce a natural vibrato.
3.Stand up / sit in a straight position.
Posture is the key in developing a natural and clear vibrato. Keep your body relaxed and keep your spine straight to allow for good support.
4.Keep your breathing steady and relaxed.
Vibrato requires sufficient and consistent breathes, so try and fill your lungs with as much air as possible when you are breathing.
5.Sing using your diaphragm.
Keep your chest and shoulders aligned and straight and sing while you are breathing out. If you do not sing from your diaphragm, you cannot expect to develop a natural vibrato. It is a good idea to practice abdominal breathing, which will help even out your breaths and will help you to sing from your diaphragm.
6.Listen to the variations in pitch.
As your voice matures, try and listen to the quick variation in pitch that your voice will naturally develop. You will need to practice consistently and the more you practice – the more likely your vibrato will develop. Voice exercises are designed specifically to improve vibrato singing as it strengthens the vibrato tone and flexibility.
Vibrato is not a technique that can be taught. It is developed through training, practice and regular singing exercises. Your focus must be on your posture, breathing and proper singing. You will know you are singing vibrato when you feel a buzzing in your throat, your neck and your vocal cords. Make sure you relax your jaw when you are singing vibrato - most people tend to tense their jaws, which then causes their jaws to wobble. It is, therefore, important to relax the muscles as much as possible to allow for a more natural vibrato.